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St. Mary's Gortnaghey Primary School, Gortnahey Rd, Dungiven, Co. Derry

Outdoor Area Refurbishment

13th Jun 2024
Outdoor area refurbishment, the excitement of our children is immeasurable ?? so many people to thank ?

- SC Tarmac for resurfacing the area

- Our PTA for fundraising tirelessly all year

- All the parents, children & staff who helped out especially those who joined us in the big clean and helped with painting & organised refreshments for the event

- Everyone who donated items, especially Joseph O’Neill a past pupil who donated his farm collection

- Warren Quigley at Express interiors for supplying the paint

- McDonalds for donating merchandise & Ronald McDonald for visiting to cut the ribbon during our grand opening

- Seamus McConway for inspiring ‘Seamy’s sweet shop & ice cream parlour’

- Martin Kealey for all those hours power washing

A special word of thanks to the Dunne family, Leona, SP, Molly & Luis for their commitment, imagination, attention to detail and sourcing all the items needed to make this dream a reality. They have spent every free minute over the past few weeks in St. Mary’s creating this amazing space, we are truly indebted to you all! ???